Cover of the album '' Collapse into now '' by R.E.M ,where the song "Everyday is yours to win" appears .

Two contrasting reviews of this album:
1)What a pleasant surprise this album was! Accelerate was nice nod to R.E.M.'s glory days but Collapse into Now is far superior in that the melodies are catchier and the weirdness of the last three tracks of their previous album isn't as apparent here. I'd even go as far to say that this album edges out New Adventures in Hi-Fi for their best album postAutomatic for the People. The uptempo rockers are solid especially the single "Mine Smell Like Honey" I'd almost put that release on their next release of greatest hits not to represent the latter stages of their career but becasue it actually belongs on such a list. "Allligator_Aviator_Autopilot_Antimatter" is a guilty pleasure that has a horrible catchy vocal melody which mitigates the ridiculous lyrics.
Even the slower paced tracks are up to par with some of the bands' best work. The worst comment I can muster about these tracks is that they sound a little like reworkings of their previous classics but I don't usually complain about a band going back to what it does best. I suppose the big difference between this album and Accelerate (near identical rating) is that I can see myself eagerly returning to this album some time in the future. This album also makes more upset that they've decided to hang it up just as they were getting their chops back. I wasn't a big R.E.M. fan when they were in their electrnoic era but I'm sure the 2005 version of myself would have begged the band to hang it up. Now I'm not so sure. Hawkeyes89
2)It doesn't really seem like Micheal Stipe & co. put a lot of effort into this album. If I was them, I wouldn't tour this record either, it feels like a B-Side compilation or outtakes of their earlier work. Uberlin and Alligator are decent though. mackadome
Biography of the Band R.E.M:
REM played their first concert in Athens, Georgia, USA, on 19 April 1980. Their line-up consisted of four drop-outs from the University of Georgia; Michael Stipe (b. 4 January 1960, Decatur, Georgia, USA; vocals), Peter Buck (b. 6 December 1956, Berkeley, California, USA; guitar), Mike Mills (b. 17 December 1958, Orange County, California, USA; bass) and Bill Berry (b. 31 July 1958, Duluth, Minnesota, USA; drums). Without the charisma of Stipe and his eccentric onstage behaviour, hurling himself about with abandon in-between mumbling into the microphone, they could easily have been overlooked as just another bar band, relying on the harmonious guitar sound of the Byrds for their inspiration. Acquiring a healthy following among the college fraternity in their hometown, it was not long before they entered the studio to record their debut single, "Radio Free Europe", to be released independently on Hibtone Records. This was greeted with considerable praise by critics who conceded that the band amounted to more than the sum of their influences. Their country/folk sound was contradicted by a driving bassline and an urgency that put the listener more in mind of the Who in their early mod phase. Add to this the distinctive voice of Stipe and his inaudible, perhaps even non-existent, lyrics, and REM sounded quite unlike any other band in the USA in the post-punk era of the early 80s.
My personal Opinion :
First of all, i didn't know this song before i listened to it in class because it's not really the type of music i listen to .I honestly don't like it very much , the rhythm is to slow for my taste and the lyrics don't touch me.The music video is very weird and doesn't send a clear message , you really have to focus on the lyrics to understand it ...
I personally think that this music video made by different random videos of unknown people shows us that everyone is a hero in their own way . Another thing i don't like about this music is that the singer mumbles when he sings and i find that very annoying when you try to get the meaning of the music video . I do not think the music video is original or personal on the contrary i think i think it's deja-vu and way to weird ...
To put it in a nutshell this song is really not my cup of tea , even though i can understand why some people like this song it's a rock ballad that is really catchy .
Well done overall.
RépondreSupprimerYour personal review includes pertinent arguments even though I do not share your viewpoint of the song and video...